South Carolina Young Adult Book Award Nominee
YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults
TAYSHAs Reading List
“A fraught behind-the-scenes look at the lives of young Olympic hopefuls. Particularly compelling is the international female gymnasts’ demonstration of unity against sexual harassment, a show of empowerment in every arena.” —Publishers Weekly
“An uplifting quest for Olympic victory.” —Kirkus Reviews
Audrey Lee is going to the Olympics. A year ago, she could barely do a push up as she recovered from a spine surgery, one that could have paralyzed her. And now? She's made the United States' gymnastics team with her best friend, Emma, just like they both dreamed about since they were kids. She's on top of the world.
The pressure for perfection is higher than ever when horrifying news rips the team apart. Audrey is desperate to advocate for her teammate who has been hurt by the one person they trusted most--but not all the gymnasts are as supportive.
With the team on the verge of collapse, the one bright spot in training is Leo, her new coach's ridiculously cute son. And while Audrey probably (okay, definitely) shouldn't date him until after the games, would it really be the end of the world?
Balancing the tenuous relationship between her teammates with unparalleled expectations, Audrey doesn't need any more distractions. No matter what it takes, she's not going to let anyone bring them down. But with painful revelations, incredible odds, and the very real possibility of falling at every turn, will Audrey's determination be enough?
More Praise for Break the Fall:
“Readers will enjoy both the serious and sensitive discussion around sexual assault, as well as the story’s more lighthearted topics of crushes, team dynamics, and the mechanics of gymnastics.”
“You will feel every tense bead of sweat, every nagging injury, every surge of adrenaline in Jennifer Iacopelli’s superb gymnastics novel Break the Fall. You will also feel the tingle of first love, the heartbreak of innocence lost, and the overwhelming joy that comes from diving into your dream, head first, and giving it all you have got. Most of all you will fall in love with honest, brave Audrey Lee and her super-shero squad—Emma, Dani, and Chelsea, and wish they were yours too. This book makes you understand exactly what it is like to compete as a woman at the highest level in sport, and it is exhilarating and satisfying indeed.”
—Holly Sorensen, Television Creator and Showrunner of Make it or Break It
“With an insider’s eye, Jennifer Iacopelli pulls back the curtain on the world’s most talented athletes, whose hard work and incredible skills are often overlooked because of their unique ability to make the impossible look so easy. The result is sporty, soapy, and addictive.”
—Sarah Henning, author of Throw Like a Girl and It's All In How You Fall
“Break the Fall is the YA gymnastics novel of my dreams, and the very human drama at the center grabbed me as Audrey Lee learns what it means to be a friend and how to stand up for what’s right. I couldn’t put it down!”
— Alicia Thompson, USAToday bestselling author of The Art of Catching Feelings
“I flew through this book. I was rooting for Audrey and the rest of Team USA the whole time—for their health, for their friendship, and of course for their gymnastics. Reading Break the Fall is the closest I’ve ever come to the thrill of competing at the Olympics—and I didn’t even have to do a single push-up to get here.”
—Leila Sales, author of This Song Will Save Your Life
“A fast-paced drama packed with big emotional stakes.”
—Jenn Bennett, author of Alex, Approximately